#elektrik empire presents #caustic vs. acidpimp #in "it's non sense" #the samples come #from our roland mc-303's #and vocal by acidpimp #woha ain't it good? :) #well this is the first #octamed soundstudio #release on the elektrik #empire label. but there #is more to come. #this tune is originally #compoced by caustic #sumetime in 97, #but it was never really #finnish, so we finnished #it now jan98. #some happy new years to: #sami brodkin, kuu, whiskas, #mrc, strife, grace, juice, #shorty?, pirat, danny, #archangle + all on amigascne #and stian ofcoz. #total playtime: 5.04min # (c) + (p) 1998 by #elektrik empire + #caustic aka. #kim g. jensen + #acidpimp aka. #thomas .ver.s # #'you know that it's really non #for more info + music by #elektrik empire goto: ' http:/ #utu.fi/~sapebr/elektrik/ ' #or email: e_le@hotmail.com # # #